Praying Mom Praying ParentsInternational Ministry

Praying Mom Praying ParentsInternational Ministry


It’s Just Mind Blowing


Top of the morn to you fighters.

Let’s take our fighting gloves off and talk for a moment. Inhale the ambience of stillness. Allow your world to come to a complete halt.

That was hard to do, wasn’t it? Probably because even when you’re at rest, you’re still fighting. One of the biggest battles that is being fought is the one within me. Yep, our battles are not always with people, situations, and external affairs. The greatest one is within.

I’ll admit that every day I’m fighting to make the right choice, say the right things, and produce the purest thoughts. That last one mentioned- tis my biggest challenge. The mind is a powerful weapon! – guess who knows it? You guessed it!

The mind is the biggest and most active battle field. The battle is fueled by things and people around us. The alarming reality that hit me today is that the debasing things that often occupy the mind are designed to do just that. It’s like weakening your opponent from the inside out. Ask any war movie critic and they’ll tell you it’s the most successful attack on the most fortified enemy.

One author penned, so well, what he thinks a planning session with the devil is like, and I found this part of his imagination to be spot on. This is what the devil said;

“But this is the most important thing. Overstimulate their minds so that they cannot hear the still, small voice of God any longer. Entice them to play the radio or music whenever they drive or relax. Entice them to keep the TV, DVDs, MP3s, iPods, radios, and any other distracting noises going constantly in their homes. This nonstop noise and activity will clutter their minds and break their union with Christ…Pound their minds with the news twenty-four hours a day.”

Mind boggling, isn’t it? If that’s really the devil’s plan, who is winning your battle?

There are things that have been preying on our spiritual mindset, and as a result, we’re exhausted, fighting a battle that can’t be won without a mind blowing revelation; the ultimate weapon of mass destruction - PRAYER.

I cannot begin to tell you how many times my “one word prayer” immediately defuse the enemy’s grenades which were thrown to blow my mind-pun intended. You can guess what that one word prayer is, can’t you?

I have to find myself in constant prayer. I’m not talking about the “in and out of bed” kinda prayer. I’m talking about constant fellowship and communion with God. With this battle that rage within me, I escape the enemy’s grip daily with specially made bullets; whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise- I’ve been thinking on those things. (Philippians 4:8)

It’s a daily fight, but you must be intentional about winning. Pray away the things that occupy your mind. Clear your battle field with prayer. The more often you do this, the better you’ll be at attaining true peace of mind, and the stronger you’ll become in winning the battle of the mind.


Coreen King
I am just reading this today! It’s from the throne room, this is wonderful for those just starting the walk......I am a believer in true love from the start, when all else fails, it’s love that never fails! and cause you to shake your head from side to side and re-boot the heart and mind 🥰🙏🙏

Chevonese HutchinsonA pertinent question who is winning the battle ? We are indeed a noisy society. That battle to sit still. 
Damion Mitchell So True
Joseph ArcherThis is the reality of this present life. The God who created us wanted to elevate us by implanting a mind would set us on the highest level next to Him, our first parents were misled by one a mind in the battle and lost. Man's mind has lost its self-sustaining power from that time. Our only hope in the conquest now is that which Jesus provides. So " Let this be in you which was also in. Christ, Jesus," only His mind will bring victory.